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Sunitha Webster

Coding / Data / Writing


Python Text Game: Bar-Sim - Patron's Revenge

Final Team Project submitted to Code First Girls in conclusion of their twelve-week Nanodegree Software course, held between November 2021 and December 2021. A text-based adventure game app with an extensive codebase, built with Python and played via the terminal. Project was initially organised using a Trello board with Agile list headings. Dedicated Discord server communication and meetings led to task allocation - I consolidated and completed the initial branching narrative using Twine 2. Code submissions adhered to 'little and often' git commits to the GitHub repository, for version control. Files and directories were organised along industry lines and the code included many components, including Python libraries such as Pygame (which I used to code a 'win' screen animation), JSON reading and API fetching. Please click the button below to access the team GitHub repository.

 Twine 2
 git / GitHub

Python Recipe Search Web App

Final Team Project submitted to Code First Girls in conclusion of their eight-week Introduction to Python Programming course, held between June 2021 and July 2021. A simple web app, built with Python and deployed via a Flask server - Flask itself being a micro web framework written in Python. The app makes use of the Edamam Recipe Search API to obtain recipes, in response to user input of an ingredient search term. It uses the Jinja2 templating engine to combine and render HTML response pages from templates and Edamam search data. Please click the button below to access a demo video, which I captured using OBSPortable and edited with VirtualDubPortable and ShotcutPortable.

 git / GitHub
 Google G-Suite
 Google Colab

Digital Mums Future Skills Bootcamp Data Project

Final Team Project submitted to Digital Mums in conclusion of their ten-week Future Skills Digital Bootcamp course, held between April 2021 and June 2021. As part of a team of 22, broken down into 4 mini-teams convening regularly, created and implemented a collaborative, remote data project to address the business brief - to discover the motivators that would encourage more digitally-marginalised women to become lifelong digital learners, in keeping with the digital transformation agenda

The project put the following key digital skills to practical use:

• Adept use of business communication platforms, such as Slack
• Adoption and integration of digital productivity / efficiency tools, such as Trello
• Launching and running a social media survey campaign to gather data
• Data-driven decision making - the capture, analysis, visualisation and presentation of project data, from inception to completion
• Use of survey tools such as Google Forms, various social media platforms such as Facebook, in-depth use of Excel and more
• Successful agile working supported by collaborative web tools such as Google's G-Suite web apps
• Communicating and amplifying brand messaging, particularly the visual aspect, via Canva for design, Kapwing for video subtitling and other online tools
• Reinforcing techniques for mastering information flow and optimising learning, via digital curation tools such as Pocket

The project enabled a focus on being a change maker within an organisation - collaborating digitally within a team to identify answers to business questions which would inspire the client to adopt pioneering digital tools or techniques and build success

 Google G-Suite
 Pocket & Social Media

Microsoft Forms to Outlook Integration Project - for Mock Interview Allocation

A work-based project completed during my time at the University of East Anglia's (UEA's) Careers Service. This was to set up a capture workflow for in-person Mock Interview requests, to ensure slot allocation when Careers Advisers became available - I had identified that there was a danger of notes / memos being lost, particularly at busy times, if there was no central system in place. I created an Office 365, Microsoft Forms to Outlook Workflow, which allowed completion of a simple online form at the helpdesk, at the time of enquiry. On submission, this form was automatically emailed to the Officer with responsibility for the schedule, with all required reference details built into the form. A quick and successful implementation, appreciated by my colleagues.

 MS Forms
 MS Outlook
 Office 365

Virtual Career Resource Mapping Project

Another work-based project at UEA's Careers Service - I was tasked with documenting the large number of resources available within an unstructured section of the Service's MyCareerCentral website, which were sourced from a third-party vendor. I quickly learned and made use of the FreePlane and mind42.com mind-mapping software apps to map these electronic resources to existing Service categories, concurrently creating a PowerPoint presentation, which I subsequently delivered, together with the maps, to my line manager of the time and the Careers Advisor I was handing over to as I moved into my current role in Admissions, also at UEA.

 MS Word
 MS Excel
 MS PowerPoint

Career Centre Resource Catalogue Project - Microsoft Access Database Build and Deployment

My first standalone, work-based project for the Careers Service. I observed that within the careers centre building, there were many shelves of reference materials, books, pamphlets, periodicals etc., that were underused due to low awareness on the part of the Careers Advisers, most of whom attended in person sporadically, as they worked part-time. Drawing on my previous experience as a high school Learning Resources Manager, I suggested that this could be addressed by building a simple resource catalogue as an Access database. I was given the go-ahead and had to quickly update my knowledge of Access from the 2010 version to the 2016 one in use. Shortly thereafter, I completed the database, then uploaded and shared it via SharePoint with the Careers Adviser team. It worked very well, as Advisers were then able to see at a glance what resources were available, using intuitive author / subject / keyword searches. Use of the in-house resources increased greatly.

 MS Access 2016
 MS SharePoint
 MS Excel
 MS Word
 Office 365


About Me

I am a trainee software engineer with a background in writing, admin and customer service, who has worked in a range of settings. I have made a career change into software, spurred on by a longstanding interest in tech. Intuitive relationship management comes naturally to me, I have the ability to empathise quickly through active listening and reflective questions. I want to solve problems for people.


Software and Data Skills: Python, Jinja2, Flask, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, git / GitHub, Agile

Administrative Skills • IT Skills including MS Office packages • Customer Service / Recruiting Skills • Business Support • Data Entry / Data Analysis • Relationship Building • Presentation Skills • Numeracy / Mathematics • Client Management • Consumer / Open Source Software • Statistics • Team Management


Website - made with the Foster template from imfunniee
Homepage Photo Original Source - by Billy Huynh on Unsplash



sunithaweb [at] yahoo.co.uk